A big THANK YOU to Linda Burnham for her excellent Obama & Clinton: the Tightrope & the Needle.
Must say, I’ve been a bit taken aback by how many white women assume I will agree with them that supporting Hillary is somehow obvious because she is a woman. Um… did you forget that I am a woman of color who thinks race is kinda important? Never mind that I have a degree in it. Never mind that an awful lot of my work is about it… but hmm, I guess in some folks’ brains, the Obsessed With Chinese Restaurants Department isn’t necessarily next door to the Excited About a Black President Department. Well, Burnham’s article explains it.
Thanks to Lani for forwarding!
Oh, & by the way? Most of the white women I know are all about Obama.
You thought I wasn’t gonna say anything about this election, huh? Don’t worry, back to salads next time.